Source code for zope.container.contained

# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Classes to support implementing `IContained`
import sys
import zope.component
import zope.interface.declarations
from zope.interface import providedBy, Interface
from zope.interface.declarations import getObjectSpecification
from zope.interface.declarations import ObjectSpecification
from zope.event import notify
from zope.location.interfaces import ILocation, ISublocations
from import selectChecker, CombinedChecker
from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectModifiedEvent

from zope.container.i18n import ZopeMessageFactory as _
from zope.location.interfaces import IContained
from zope.container.interfaces import INameChooser
from zope.container.interfaces import IReservedNames, NameReserved
from zope.container.interfaces import IContainerModifiedEvent
	from zope.container._zope_container_contained import ContainedProxyBase
	from zope.container._zope_container_contained import getProxiedObject
except ImportError: # PyPy
	from zope.container._proxy import py_getProxiedObject as getProxiedObject
	from zope.container._proxy import PyContainedProxyBase as ContainedProxyBase

from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectMovedEvent
from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectAddedEvent
from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectRemovedEvent

    from ZODB.interfaces import IBroken
except ImportError:
    class IBroken(Interface):

except NameError:
    # Py3: Define unicode type.
    unicode = str

PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3

[docs]class Contained(object): """Stupid mix-in that defines `__parent__` and `__name__` attributes""" __parent__ = __name__ = None
[docs]class ContainerModifiedEvent(ObjectModifiedEvent): """The container has been modified."""
[docs]def dispatchToSublocations(object, event): """Dispatch an event to sublocations of a given object When a move event happens for an object, it's important to notify subobjects as well. We do this based on locations. Suppose, for example, that we define some location objects. >>> @zope.interface.implementer(ILocation) ... class L(object): ... def __init__(self, name): ... self.__name__ = name ... self.__parent__ = None ... def __repr__(self): ... return '%s(%s)' % ( ... self.__class__.__name__, str(self.__name__)) >>> @zope.interface.implementer(ISublocations) ... class C(L): ... def __init__(self, name, *subs): ... L.__init__(self, name) ... self.subs = subs ... for sub in subs: ... sub.__parent__ = self ... def sublocations(self): ... return self.subs >>> c = C(1, ... C(11, ... L(111), ... L(112), ... ), ... C(12, ... L(121), ... L(122), ... L(123), ... L(124), ... ), ... L(13), ... ) Now, if we call the dispatcher, it should call event handlers for all of the objects. Lets create an event handler that records the objects it sees: >>> seen = [] >>> def handler(ob, event): ... seen.append((ob, event.object)) Note that we record the the object the handler is called on as well as the event object: Now we'll register it: >>> from zope import component >>> from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectMovedEvent >>> component.provideHandler(handler, [None, IObjectMovedEvent]) We also register our dispatcher: >>> component.provideHandler(dispatchToSublocations, ... [None, IObjectMovedEvent]) We can then call the dispatcher for the root object: >>> event = ObjectRemovedEvent(c) >>> dispatchToSublocations(c, event) Now, we should have seen all of the subobjects: >>> seenreprs = sorted(map(repr, seen)) >>> seenreprs ['(C(11), C(1))', '(C(12), C(1))', '(L(111), C(1))',""" \ """ '(L(112), C(1))', '(L(121), C(1))', '(L(122), C(1))',""" \ """ '(L(123), C(1))', '(L(124), C(1))', '(L(13), C(1))'] We see that we get entries for each of the subobjects and that,for each entry, the event object is top object. This suggests that location event handlers need to be aware that the objects they are called on and the event objects could be different. """ subs = ISublocations(object, None) if subs is not None: for sub in subs.sublocations(): for ignored in zope.component.subscribers((sub, event), None): pass # They do work in the adapter fetch
[docs]class ContainerSublocations(object): """Get the sublocations for a container Obviously, this is the container values: >>> class MyContainer(object): ... def __init__(self, **data): ... = data ... def __iter__(self): ... return iter( ... def __getitem__(self, key): ... return[key] >>> container = MyContainer(x=1, y=2, z=42) >>> adapter = ContainerSublocations(container) >>> sublocations = list(adapter.sublocations()) >>> sublocations.sort() >>> sublocations [1, 2, 42] """ def __init__(self, container): self.container = container def sublocations(self): container = self.container for key in container: yield container[key]
[docs]def containedEvent(object, container, name=None): """Establish the containment of the object in the container The object and necessary event are returned. The object may be a `ContainedProxy` around the original object. The event is an added event, a moved event, or None. If the object implements `IContained`, simply set its `__parent__` and `__name__` attributes: >>> container = {} >>> item = Contained() >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo') >>> x is item True >>> item.__parent__ is container True >>> item.__name__ u'foo' We have an added event: >>> event.__class__.__name__ 'ObjectAddedEvent' >>> event.object is item True >>> event.newParent is container True >>> event.newName u'foo' >>> event.oldParent >>> event.oldName Now if we call contained again: >>> x2, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo') >>> x2 is item True >>> item.__parent__ is container True >>> item.__name__ u'foo' We don't get a new added event: >>> event If the object already had a parent but the parent or name was different, we get a moved event: >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo2') >>> event.__class__.__name__ 'ObjectMovedEvent' >>> event.object is item True >>> event.newParent is container True >>> event.newName u'foo2' >>> event.oldParent is container True >>> event.oldName u'foo' If the `object` implements `ILocation`, but not `IContained`, set its `__parent__` and `__name__` attributes *and* declare that it implements `IContained`: >>> from zope.location import Location >>> item = Location() >>> IContained.providedBy(item) False >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, 'foo') >>> x is item True >>> item.__parent__ is container True >>> item.__name__ 'foo' >>> IContained.providedBy(item) True If the `object` doesn't even implement `ILocation`, put a `ContainedProxy` around it: >>> item = [] >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, 'foo') >>> x is item False >>> x.__parent__ is container True >>> x.__name__ 'foo' Make sure we don't lose existing directly provided interfaces. >>> from zope.interface import Interface, directlyProvides >>> class IOther(Interface): ... pass >>> from zope.location import Location >>> item = Location() >>> directlyProvides(item, IOther) >>> IOther.providedBy(item) True >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, 'foo') >>> IOther.providedBy(item) True """ if not IContained.providedBy(object): if ILocation.providedBy(object): zope.interface.alsoProvides(object, IContained) else: object = ContainedProxy(object) oldparent = object.__parent__ oldname = object.__name__ if oldparent is container and oldname == name: # No events return object, None object.__parent__ = container object.__name__ = name if oldparent is None or oldname is None: event = ObjectAddedEvent(object, container, name) else: event = ObjectMovedEvent(object, oldparent, oldname, container, name) return object, event
[docs]def contained(object, container, name=None): """Establish the containment of the object in the container Just return the contained object without an event. This is a convenience "macro" for: ``containedEvent(object, container, name)[0]`` This function is only used for tests. """ return containedEvent(object, container, name)[0]
[docs]def notifyContainerModified(object, *descriptions): """Notify that the container was modified.""" notify(ContainerModifiedEvent(object, *descriptions))
_SENTINEL = object()
[docs]def setitem(container, setitemf, name, object): """Helper function to set an item and generate needed events This helper is needed, in part, because the events need to get published after the `object` has been added to the `container`. If the item implements `IContained`, simply set its `__parent__` and `__name__` attributes: >>> class IItem(zope.interface.Interface): ... pass >>> @zope.interface.implementer(IItem) ... class Item(Contained): ... def setAdded(self, event): ... self.added = event ... def setMoved(self, event): ... self.moved = event >>> from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectAddedEvent >>> from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectMovedEvent >>> from zope import component >>> component.provideHandler(lambda obj, event: obj.setAdded(event), ... [IItem, IObjectAddedEvent]) >>> component.provideHandler(lambda obj, event: obj.setMoved(event), ... [IItem, IObjectMovedEvent]) >>> item = Item() >>> container = {} >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, u'c', item) >>> container[u'c'] is item 1 >>> item.__parent__ is container 1 >>> item.__name__ u'c' If we run this using the testing framework, we'll use `getEvents` to track the events generated: >>> from zope.component.eventtesting import getEvents >>> from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectModifiedEvent We have an added event: >>> len(getEvents(IObjectAddedEvent)) 1 >>> event = getEvents(IObjectAddedEvent)[-1] >>> event.object is item 1 >>> event.newParent is container 1 >>> event.newName u'c' >>> event.oldParent >>> event.oldName As well as a modification event for the container: >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 1 >>> getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)[-1].object is container 1 The item's hooks have been called: >>> item.added is event 1 >>> item.moved is event 1 We can suppress events and hooks by setting the `__parent__` and `__name__` first: >>> item = Item() >>> item.__parent__, item.__name__ = container, 'c2' >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, u'c2', item) >>> len(container) 2 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectAddedEvent)) 1 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 1 >>> getattr(item, 'added', None) >>> getattr(item, 'moved', None) If the item had a parent or name (as in a move or rename), we generate a move event, rather than an add event: >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, u'c3', item) >>> len(container) 3 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectAddedEvent)) 1 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 2 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectMovedEvent)) 2 (Note that we have 2 move events because add are move events.) We also get the move hook called, but not the add hook: >>> event = getEvents(IObjectMovedEvent)[-1] >>> getattr(item, 'added', None) >>> item.moved is event 1 If we try to replace an item without deleting it first, we'll get an error: >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, u'c', []) Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: u'c' >>> del container[u'c'] >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, u'c', []) >>> len(getEvents(IObjectAddedEvent)) 2 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 3 If the object implements `ILocation`, but not `IContained`, set it's `__parent__` and `__name__` attributes *and* declare that it implements `IContained`: >>> from zope.location import Location >>> item = Location() >>> IContained.providedBy(item) 0 >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, u'l', item) >>> container[u'l'] is item 1 >>> item.__parent__ is container 1 >>> item.__name__ u'l' >>> IContained.providedBy(item) 1 We get new added and modification events: >>> len(getEvents(IObjectAddedEvent)) 3 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 4 If the object doesn't even implement `ILocation`, put a `ContainedProxy` around it: >>> item = [] >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, u'i', item) >>> container[u'i'] [] >>> container[u'i'] is item 0 >>> item = container[u'i'] >>> item.__parent__ is container 1 >>> item.__name__ u'i' >>> IContained.providedBy(item) 1 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectAddedEvent)) 4 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 5 We'll get type errors if we give keys that aren't unicode or ascii keys: >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, 42, item) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: name not unicode or ascii string >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, None, item) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: name not unicode or ascii string >>> c = bytes([200]) if PY3 else chr(200) >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, b'hello ' + c, item) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: name not unicode or ascii string and we'll get a value error of we give an empty string or unicode: >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, '', item) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: empty names are not allowed >>> setitem(container, container.__setitem__, u'', item) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: empty names are not allowed """ # Do basic name check: if isinstance(name, bytes): try: name = name.decode('ascii') except UnicodeError: raise TypeError("name not unicode or ascii string") elif not isinstance(name, unicode): raise TypeError("name not unicode or ascii string") if not name: raise ValueError("empty names are not allowed") old = container.get(name, _SENTINEL) if old is object: return if old is not _SENTINEL: raise KeyError(name) object, event = containedEvent(object, container, name) setitemf(name, object) if event: notify(event) notifyContainerModified(container)
fixing_up = False
[docs]def uncontained(object, container, name=None): """Clear the containment relationship between the `object` and the `container`. If we run this using the testing framework, we'll use `getEvents` to track the events generated: >>> from zope.component.eventtesting import getEvents >>> from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectModifiedEvent >>> from zope.lifecycleevent.interfaces import IObjectRemovedEvent We'll start by creating a container with an item: >>> class Item(Contained): ... pass >>> item = Item() >>> container = {u'foo': item} >>> x, event = containedEvent(item, container, u'foo') >>> item.__parent__ is container 1 >>> item.__name__ u'foo' Now we'll remove the item. It's parent and name are cleared: >>> uncontained(item, container, u'foo') >>> item.__parent__ >>> item.__name__ We now have a new removed event: >>> len(getEvents(IObjectRemovedEvent)) 1 >>> event = getEvents(IObjectRemovedEvent)[-1] >>> event.object is item 1 >>> event.oldParent is container 1 >>> event.oldName u'foo' >>> event.newParent >>> event.newName As well as a modification event for the container: >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 1 >>> getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)[-1].object is container 1 Now if we call uncontained again: >>> uncontained(item, container, u'foo') We won't get any new events, because __parent__ and __name__ are None: >>> len(getEvents(IObjectRemovedEvent)) 1 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 1 But, if either the name or parent are not ``None`` and they are not the container and the old name, we'll get a modified event but not a removed event. >>> item.__parent__, item.__name__ = container, None >>> uncontained(item, container, u'foo') >>> len(getEvents(IObjectRemovedEvent)) 1 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 2 >>> item.__parent__, item.__name__ = None, u'bar' >>> uncontained(item, container, u'foo') >>> len(getEvents(IObjectRemovedEvent)) 1 >>> len(getEvents(IObjectModifiedEvent)) 3 If one tries to delete a Broken object, we allow them to do just that. >>> class Broken(object): ... __Broken_state__ = {} >>> broken = Broken() >>> broken.__Broken_state__['__name__'] = u'bar' >>> broken.__Broken_state__['__parent__'] = container >>> container[u'bar'] = broken >>> uncontained(broken, container, u'bar') >>> len(getEvents(IObjectRemovedEvent)) 2 """ try: oldparent = object.__parent__ oldname = object.__name__ except AttributeError: # The old object doesn't implements IContained # Maybe we're converting old data: if hasattr(object, '__Broken_state__'): state = object.__Broken_state__ oldparent = state['__parent__'] oldname = state['__name__'] else: if not fixing_up: raise oldparent = None oldname = None if oldparent is not container or oldname != name: if oldparent is not None or oldname is not None: notifyContainerModified(container) return event = ObjectRemovedEvent(object, oldparent, oldname) notify(event) if not IBroken.providedBy(object): object.__parent__ = None object.__name__ = None notifyContainerModified(container)
@zope.interface.implementer(INameChooser) class NameChooser(object): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def checkName(self, name, object): """See zope.container.interfaces.INameChooser We create and populate a dummy container >>> from zope.container.sample import SampleContainer >>> container = SampleContainer() >>> container['foo'] = 'bar' >>> from zope.container.contained import NameChooser An invalid name raises a ValueError: >>> NameChooser(container).checkName('+foo', object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Names cannot begin with '+' or '@' or contain '/' A name that already exists raises a KeyError: >>> NameChooser(container).checkName('foo', object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... KeyError: u'The given name is already being used' A name must be a string or unicode string: >>> NameChooser(container).checkName(2, object()) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: ('Invalid name type', <type 'int'>) A correct name returns True: >>> NameChooser(container).checkName('2', object()) True We can reserve some names by providing a IReservedNames adapter to a container: >>> from zope.container.interfaces import IContainer >>> @zope.component.adapter(IContainer) ... @zope.interface.implementer(IReservedNames) ... class ReservedNames(object): ... ... def __init__(self, context): ... self.reservedNames = set(('reserved', 'other')) >>> zope.component.getSiteManager().registerAdapter(ReservedNames) >>> NameChooser(container).checkName('reserved', None) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NameReserved: reserved """ if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode() elif not isinstance(name, unicode): raise TypeError("Invalid name type", type(name)) if not name: raise ValueError( _("An empty name was provided. Names cannot be empty.") ) if name[:1] in '+@' or '/' in name: raise ValueError( _("Names cannot begin with '+' or '@' or contain '/'") ) reserved = IReservedNames(self.context, None) if reserved is not None: if name in reserved.reservedNames: raise NameReserved(name) if name in self.context: raise KeyError( _("The given name is already being used") ) return True def chooseName(self, name, object): """See zope.container.interfaces.INameChooser The name chooser is expected to choose a name without error We create and populate a dummy container >>> from zope.container.sample import SampleContainer >>> container = SampleContainer() >>> container['foobar.old'] = 'rst doc' >>> from zope.container.contained import NameChooser the suggested name is converted to unicode: >>> NameChooser(container).chooseName(u'foobar', object()) u'foobar' >>> NameChooser(container).chooseName(b'foobar', object()) u'foobar' If it already exists, a number is appended but keeps the same extension: >>> NameChooser(container).chooseName('foobar.old', object()) u'foobar-2.old' Bad characters are turned into dashes: >>> NameChooser(container).chooseName('foo/foo', object()) u'foo-foo' If no name is suggested, it is based on the object type: >>> NameChooser(container).chooseName('', []) u'list' """ container = self.context # convert to unicode and remove characters that checkName does not allow if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode() if not isinstance(name, unicode): try: name = unicode(name) except: name = u'' name = name.replace('/', '-').lstrip('+@') if not name: name = object.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(name, bytes): name = name.decode() # for an existing name, append a number. # We should keep client's os.path.extsep (not ours), we assume it's '.' dot = name.rfind('.') if dot >= 0: suffix = name[dot:] name = name[:dot] else: suffix = '' n = name + suffix i = 1 while n in container: i += 1 n = name + u'-' + str(i) + suffix # Make sure the name is valid. We may have started with something bad. self.checkName(n, object) return n
[docs]class DecoratorSpecificationDescriptor( zope.interface.declarations.ObjectSpecificationDescriptor): """Support for interface declarations on decorators >>> from zope.interface import * >>> class I1(Interface): ... pass >>> class I2(Interface): ... pass >>> class I3(Interface): ... pass >>> class I4(Interface): ... pass >>> @implementer(I1) ... class D1(ContainedProxy): ... pass >>> @implementer(I2) ... class D2(ContainedProxy): ... pass >>> @implementer(I3) ... class X: ... pass >>> x = X() >>> directlyProvides(x, I4) Interfaces of X are ordered with the directly-provided interfaces first >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(x))] ['I4', 'I3'] When we decorate objects, what order should the interfaces come in? One could argue that decorators are less specific, so they should come last. >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D1(x)))] ['I4', 'I3', 'I1', 'IContained', 'IPersistent'] >>> [interface.getName() for interface in list(providedBy(D2(D1(x))))] ['I4', 'I3', 'I1', 'IContained', 'IPersistent', 'I2'] """ def __get__(self, inst, cls=None): if inst is None: return getObjectSpecification(cls) else: provided = providedBy(getProxiedObject(inst)) # Use type rather than __class__ because inst is a proxy and # will return the proxied object's class. cls = type(inst) return ObjectSpecification(provided, cls)
[docs]class DecoratedSecurityCheckerDescriptor(object): """Descriptor for a Decorator that provides a decorated security checker. """ def __get__(self, inst, cls=None): if inst is None: return self else: proxied_object = getProxiedObject(inst) checker = getattr(proxied_object, '__Security_checker__', None) if checker is None: checker = selectChecker(proxied_object) wrapper_checker = selectChecker(inst) if wrapper_checker is None: return checker elif checker is None: return wrapper_checker else: return CombinedChecker(wrapper_checker, checker)
class ContainedProxyClassProvides(zope.interface.declarations.ClassProvides): def __set__(self, inst, value): inst = getProxiedObject(inst) inst.__provides__ = value def __delete__(self, inst): inst = getProxiedObject(inst) del inst.__provides__ @zope.interface.implementer(IContained) class ContainedProxy(ContainedProxyBase): # Prevent proxies from having their own instance dictionaries: __slots__ = () __safe_for_unpickling__ = True __providedBy__ = zope.proxy.non_overridable( DecoratorSpecificationDescriptor()) __Security_checker__ = zope.proxy.non_overridable( DecoratedSecurityCheckerDescriptor()) ContainedProxy.__provides__ = ContainedProxyClassProvides(ContainedProxy, type)